Bounce Back Vivek Bindra

Dr. Vivek Bindra is one of the most popular motivational speaker and business coach in India. Here I share with you Dr. Vivek Bindra’s Motivational and Inspiring Quotes in English and Hindi.

Vivek bindra Free bounce back limited seats 👇come First serve 👆Program Benefits:1. Unlock your hidden potentia. Digital Bounce Back Event. 21st Feb 2021 11:00 AM To 02:00 PM. Dr Vivek Bindra is a Revolutionary Entrepreneur, an Internationally. View 381142430-Extreme-Motivation-Event-BOUNCE-BACK-By-Dr-Vivek-Bindra-in-Bhopal.pdf from MARKETING 3000 at Baruch College, CUNY. FIRST TIME IN BHOPAL BOUNCE BACK SERIES BY DR VIVEK BINDRA Organized.

Before this article, I also write Journey of Dr. Vivek Bindra.

Today Every Indian Businessman and Entrepreneurs watch Vivek Bindra’s video on YouTube. Vivek Bindra is also ideal for new Entrepreneurs.

I share some Motivational Quotes of Dr. Vivek Bindra. These quotes help you with your goal.

Dr. Vivek Bindra Motivational Quotes

“The only way to do create work is to love what you do.”

“Leadership is about taking responsibilities, Not Making Excuses!”

“Don’t focus on multiple things, Focus on the main thing and the business will follow you.”

“Difficulties of your life are not the dead ends, They are just the sweet bends!”

“Surround yourself with people who have ambitious plans, meaningful purposes, and big goals.”

“You can’t convince people by convincing, You convince people by connecting!”

“Attraction to Distraction Drifts you away from your goal!”

“Success is not changing reality, It is changing the mentality Behind the Reality!”

“When failures hit you, you hit the failures back with Bounce Back.!”

“if you try to be the best you’ll be number one, if you try to be unique you’ll be the only one!”

“Have the genius around you, To Attract the Genius Within You!”

“Right, Hon, a degree is actually beneficial, even if you are an engineer or a doctor you can do the same work But if you do not have a degree, you can do anything.”

“If you don’t help you to help yourself, Nobody in the world can help you to help yourself!”

“Is that the power of faith that can be brought to light in the desolate world Faith stone can create God and distrust could be heated built a man of God.”

“Failure cannot find me until my success will get stronger.”

“Teacher and the only difference in life – the teacher takes lessons teaching exams – life test teaches the lesson.”

“When you face failures, Don’t change your goal, Change your strategy!”

“Why bother you if people do not understand you, do not worry if you need to when you do not understand themselves.”

“You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.”

“Success Our introduction conducts the world and failure conducts introduces us to the world.”

“You have the power to choose how you feel! Allow Yourself to think differently!”

“The wish can write their own destiny on the strength of its confidence and effort and if we’ll circumstances write our destiny when it comes to writing your destiny.”

“Don’t Fix your problems, Fix your Thinking, Then Problems will Fix Themselves.”

“If you do not accept their mistakes in time you sit another mistake when you can learn only from your mistakes you have to admit your mistakes.”

“You are not leading your life, Your patterns are leading your life!”

“Run away from troubles, similar to new troubles invitation challenges in life-time AND have faced troubles and this is the truth of life Sailor in a calm sea can never become efficient.”

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, only then you’ll Be Successful!”

“Keep living your dreams, If your dreams went out the spark of this means that you have been alive suicide.”

“If you have too many priorities, It means you have no Priority!”

“Beach is no point in returning to the road since returning you to the distance will have to go the same distance you can reach the target.”

“World Safety burden just off the heart you spent laughing, small life.”

“Never disappointed how the heat in my life to be, because the sun will be so fast sea never dry.”

“Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.”

“If you want to convince Someone, Don’t Convince them to Connect with them!”

“Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.”

“If you take initiative, The world will take initiative, You stop taking initiative, The World’ll Forget you!”

“An Inspired Execution Can make you bigger than original Innovation!”

“The greatest wealth is to live content with little.”

“You can not Improve the Future, In the Future, you can Improve It Right Now!”

“Big-heartedness is the essential virtue of the spiritual journey.”

“As long as you live, keep learning how to live.”

“No matter the hands of ridges I own creator of their own destiny.”

“To be successful you must convince yourself on before that we can and will succeed”

“If it is important to you, You will find a way, If not you will find an excuse!”

“There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

“Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.”

“Nobody in history has ever created history, without tasting some failures!”

“Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to the answer to all questions.”

“You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.”

“In the right direction a little step too huge to prove.”

“Stop trying to fit in, When you were born to stand out!”

“Self-observation means watching–observing whatever is going on in you and around you as if it were happening to someone else.”

“Change the Strategy Do not Change your Goal.”

Vivek Bindra Quotes for Status

Today Vivek Bindra is one of the Most popular Motivational speakers and many people are following him on Social Media. The people are updating the status of Vivek Bindra’s Quotes. Here I share with you some Vivek Bindra Quotes for Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twitter Status.

Every Negative Incident Has a Positive Intent.

Why bother you if people do not understand you, do not worry if you need to when you do not understand themselves.

Could win again defeated a man in the field, but the man has lost the mind can never win-lose losers “mind and won victories of mind.

If you prepare the roots, You don’t need to repair the fruits!

Never disappointed how the heat in my life to be, because the sun will be so fast sea never dry.

If you observe well, your own heart will answer

Nobody in history has ever created history, without tasting some failures!

Vivek Bindra Motivational Quotes in Hindi

Here I share Vivek Bindra Motivational Quotes in Hindi. If you find Quotes in Hindi then below I share Motivational Quotes in Hindi Languages.

“मैं कभी हारता नहीं…या तो जीतता हूं…या सीखता हूं।”

“कुछ लोग कहते हैं जो भी मेरे पास है सब बकवास है, और कुछ लोग कहते हैं जो भी मेरे पास है सब खास है।”

“आपका पहला प्रोडक्ट सफल होने के लिए नहीं बनता है, पहला प्रोडक्ट केवल टेस्ट करने के लिए बनता है।”

“बिजनेसमैन का काम माल बेचना नहीं है। उनका काम अपने कस्टमर के बिजनेस को सफल बनाना है।”

“मेरे देश की जिम्मेदारी नहीं है, मुझे आगे बढ़ाने की बल्कि यह मेरी जिम्मेदारी है कि मैं अपने देश को आगे बढ़ाऊंगा।”


“इस दुनिया में दो प्रकार के लोग हैं: पहला – जो इतिहास रटने में अपना समय बिताते हैं। दूसरा -जो इतिहास रचने में अपना समय बिताते हैं।”

“आप सोशल मीडिया का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं; तो ठीक है। अगर सोशल मीडिया आपका इस्तेमाल कर रहा हैं तो गलत है।”

“जब हमारी तरक्की हमारी सोच से कहीं ज्यादा होने लगती है…. तो इसे ही कहते हैं कि सही ढंग से मार्केट को समझना। लोगों की जरूरतों को समझना और मार्केट के adoption curve को समझना।”

“यह सोचकर कभी निराश नहीं हुआ कि मेरे जीवन में धुप कितनी है, क्योंकि सूर्य इतना बड़ा समुद्र कभी नहीं सूखा सकेगा ”

“जिंदगी में चुनौतियों से भागना, जीवन में और अधिक चुनौतियों को आमंत्रण देने के समान है यह जीवन की सच्चाई है। एक शांत समुद्र में कोई भी कुशल नाविक नहीं बन सकता है”

“अगर आप काम ना करने के बहाने ढूंढ सकते हो… तो काम करने के बहाने भी ढूंढ सकते हो।”

“अपनी समस्याओं को ठीक न करें, अपनी सोच को ठीक करें, फिर समस्याएं स्वयं को ठीक कर देंगी!”

“जो काम आप करना चाहते हैं….. क्या उसको करते वक्त आपकी इंप्रूवमेंट हो रही है कि नहीं हो रही है???”

“आपके पास यह चुनने की शक्ति है कि आप कैसा महसूस करते हैं! खुद को अलग सोचने की अनुमति दें!”

“जरूरी नहीं कि जो सारी रात जागता हो वो आशिक ही हो……,
हो सकता है कि अपने देश के लिए मरने मिटने वाला सिपाही हो।”

“यदि आप स्वयं की मदद करने में आपकी सहायता नहीं करते हैं, तो दुनिया में कोई भी आपकी मदद करने में आपकी सहायता नहीं कर सकता”

“जब आप असफलताओं का सामना करते हैं, तो अपना लक्ष्य न बदलें, अपनी रणनीति बदलें!”

“भीड़ हमेशा उस रास्ते पर चलती है जो सबसे आसान तरीका प्रतीत होता है, लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि यह हमेशा सही रास्ते पर चल रही है, आप इससे भी बेहतर रास्ता ढूंढ सकते हैं जो कोई भी नहीं जानता!”

“विफलता मुझे तब तक नहीं ढूंढ सकती जब तक कि मेरी सफलता मजबूत न हो जाए!”

These quotes are taken from Vivek Bindra‘s YouTube channels, FB Page, and Instagram. But If you have any Copyright Issue then contact us.

I hope you like Vivek Bindra Motivational Quotes. You can share this Motivational Quotes on your social media. If you want to Update any Motivational Quotes then you can contact us.

For the very first time, Dr Vivek Bindra, an acclaimed motivational speaker and business coach is set to visit Nepal for Bounce Back Series, an extreme motivation and peak performance seminar, in Kathmandu.

Who is Dr Vivek Bindra?

Dr. Vivek Bindra is a thought leader, a motivational speaker, a leadership trainer and a business coach. He specializes in spiriting and empowering people to realize their true potential. As a keynote speaker, millions of people have benefited from his energetic workshops worldwide. He is a trusted advisor and an inspirational pathfinder to various high-profile entrepreneurs and other top-notch business entities, providing leadership excellence for taking their organizations to the next level.

Dr Bindra through his prolific writings is helping people to Bounce Back in life and to be more successful. He is the author of many high power motivational books.

He set a world record of being the World’s No. 1 Leadership & Entrepreneurial Channel on YouTube with a subscriber base of more than 7.4 Million and a viewership of 370 Million. His videos are immensely popular in over 190 countries.

Dr Vivek Bindra’s recent video on the Case Study of Nepal had gone viral across the nation and was a trending topic on various social media platforms.

What isBounce Back Series by Dr Vivek Bindra?

Bounce Back Series is a series of High Power Motivational Seminar by Dr Vivek Bindra in different cities in India and abroad. It is a 4-hours crash MBA program that will change your professional life. This seminar is highly recommended for entrepreneurs, business managers, start-ups and business owners.

This program in Nepal is being hosted by Genius Insider.

In the seminar, Dr Bindra will take you through a 4-hours non-stop journey to inbuilt following key learnings:

  • Identify your ‘Limitless Limits’ and ‘Belief System’ for path-breaking Success
  • Accelerate your Peak Performance Productivity Index
  • Develop a Laser-Sharp Focus to Achieve Your Goals
  • How to convince others and Handle Crucial Conversations?
  • How to Build a High-Performance Team?
  • How to Increase your ROI in Business?
  • How to Remain Ahead of your Competitors by Leveraging Your Unique Signature Strength?
  • How to Plan Strategic Execution of Short-term & Long term Goals?
  • How to Handle Crucial Conversations through Emotional Intelligence?

Dr Vivek Bindra always says, “When You Have a SETBACK, Don’t SIT BACK. STEP BACK TO BOUNCE BACK.” Join this precious event to learn practical strategies to bounce back in tough times, whether it be in BUSINESS or LIFE.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, 30 March 2019
Time: 12:00 PM – 04:00 PM
Venue: Nepal Academy, Kamaladi

Ticket Price:

Platinum: Rs. 15,000

Standard: Rs. 10,000

General: Rs. 7500


Balcony: Rs. 5000

Khalti is an exclusive Digital Ticketing Partner for the event.

How to buy tickets for the Bounce Back Series by Dr Vivek Bindra?

1. Sign up and log in to the Khalti app on your smartphone

2. Tap on the Event icon on the home screen

Bounce Back Book By Vivek Bindra


3. Tap on Bounce Back Nepal from the given list of events

4. Tap on Purchase, and choose the type and number(s) of ticket(s)

5. Your payment will be successful after you tap on OK. You can now go to the My Tickets menu where you will find a digital copy of the ticket.

You can now attend the event Bounce Back Nepal by Dr Vivek Bindra on the stipulated date and time. With a digital ticket on your smartphone, you don’t need to worry about printing the ticket. You can simply show the ticket on your phone at the entry gate where our representatives will scan your ticket. Be sure to reach the venue 30 minutes in advance of the event start time.

Bounce Back Book By Vivek Bindra

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Bounce Back Vivek Bindra

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