Six Pack Diet Plan Pdf Malayalam

Let me start by saying that getting a defined stomach and abs (like in the picture below) is directly related to your body fat levels…which means how healthy you are eating.

  1. Six Pack Diet Plan Pdf Malayalam Pdf
  2. Six Pack Meal Plan
  3. Six Pack Diet Plan Pdf Malayalam Download

You can do all the ab exercises in the world, but if you don’t lose the fat covering your abs, you will never see them.

And the best way to lose that fat is, of course, through your diet (ideally combined with a good workout program).

This is why I wanted to share with you the best female diet plan for abs and getting lean in general!

  1. Abs Diet for Women is a book published by David Zinczenko in 2007. The Abs Diet for Women expands on the original Abs Diet book with additional information for women, including how their hormones affect their weight. Create a meal plan for abs by following simple principles.
  2. The Indian diet is rich in nutritious foods like grains, lentils, healthy fats, vegetables, dairy and fruits. The diets of most Indian people are heavily influenced by religion, particularly Hinduism.
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When you’re building your meal plan, focus on incorporating these foods into your meals. Veggies: They’re low in calories, high in fiber, and filled with nutrients your body craves. Aim for 1–2 cups of vegetables in every meal. If you do this one thing, you are much more likely to get leaner, faster. (Just keep in mind that gassy. Six Pack Diet Plan for Men. Breakfast – Egg white omelet with spinach and ½ cup of oatmeal with almond milk and a teaspoon of honey. Snack – Protein shake with Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion delicious vanilla, skimmed milk, and ¼ cup of frozen or fresh fruit. Lunch – Chicken wrap with grilled chicken breast, organic greens.

First of all, let’s start with the type of foods that you should be incorporating into your diet to slim down.



I have talked about why you need protein for fat loss in a previous post (it also discusses if eating more protein will cause your muscles to bulk up).

One of the best things about eating protein is that your body actually burns more calories digesting protein than it does digesting carbs and/or fats.

So, here are some foods that are great sources of protein:

  • Poultry – chicken & turkey
  • Lean red meats – avoid fatty cuts, deli meats, and minced/ground meats
  • Fish (salmon, tuna, sardines)
  • Eggs
  • Protein powder – whey or vegan protein (hemp, pea, etc)
  • Nuts and seeds – walnuts, almonds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, etc.
  • Cottage cheese
  • Greek yogurt


Eating a lower carb diet will help you lose weight quicker, but you don’t need to cut your carbs completely.

One of the issues that people have when cutting carbs is the lack of fiber. Most high fat and protein foods don’t contain fiber – it is mostly in the carbs.

And you need fiber for many reasons – the main ones being that it helps with hunger (trust me, I’ve made this mistake and neglected fiber – it makes such a difference!) and keeping you regular.

Six Pack Diet Plan Pdf Malayalam Pdf

So, make sure you’re eating healthy and fibrous sources of carbs.

Best sources of fiber include:

  • Fruit (focus on berries if you’re sticking to low carb: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)
  • Vegetables (starchy carbs in moderation, so avoid potatoes, corn, and beans)
  • Whole grains in moderation (brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, whole-grain breads)


Fats are high in calories, which is why people have been scared of eating them in the past due to the popularization of high carb, low- fat food.

The truth is – healthy fats are extremely good for you and will actually help you LOSE fat.

They help with the production of hormones that regulate your metabolism, they help your body burn fat as fuel, they help protect your vital organs, and they have LOTS of other bodily functions.

And, most importantly for every diet regime- fats will make you feel full. That’s why a lot of people that switch to high-fat food actually stop being hungry often.

Here are some sources of healthy fats:

  • Oily fish such as salmon, trout, tuna
  • White fish
  • Nuts and nut butter
  • Seeds
  • Avocado
  • Coconut, avocado, macadamia and olive oil


If you really want to get those abs, I would also highly recommend you to find out your body type. This is super important since different body types lose weight and build muscle differently.

I have created a special Body Type Quiz that will help you learn your body type in just 2 minutes. And it’s completely free :)


The most effective diet for abs is definitely a low carb diet, which is why I’m going to make this meal plan low in carbs to help you lose weight quicker.

But I have written another blog post on the recommended macronutrients for each body type so have a read of this!

To work out your ideal calorie intake, read this blog post.

The calories and macros for this female meal plan for getting abs are:

  • 1500 calories
  • 25% carbs (x grams)
  • 45% protein (x grams)
  • 30% fat (x grams)

I have made the meals quite simple and (hopefully) they are easy to prepare. You can always change it up a bit, but make sure you keep the calories and macros the same.

Note: If you’re normally not eating a lot of salty food, make sure you up your sodium intake a bit (add extra salt on your meals or drink more broth). When you go low carb your body will start shedding extra sodium and water weight as your insulin levels go down.

OK, so let’s get to the food!



Brekkie: Protein Smoothie

Lunch: Chicken satay and green veggies

Dinner: Salmon with veggies

If you’re looking for snacks as well, try sticking to hummus and veggies.

For recipes for each of these meals, check out the table below.


Breakfast: Protein smoothie

Lunch: Chicken meatballs with pesto zucchini noodles

Dinner: San Choy Bow

Snacks: Banana muffin (click for the recipe)


Breakfast: Chia Pudding

Lunch: Cashew chicken stir-fry

Dinner: Steak and vegetables

Snack: Nut butter and feel free to add on some berries

And if you’re looking for some healthy snack ideas, read my blog post here.


I am a bit fan of intermittent fasting for getting lean faster, so I wholeheartedly recommend it for dropping body fat.

That said, it’s not the right fit for everyone so make sure you track how you feel and find an eating window that suits your body and lifestyle.

I wrote a guide to intermittent fasting (for getting lean), so if you’re interested to give it a go, have a read here.



I should also mention my 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program.

It is an 8-week workout program that includes full-body resistance training and the right type of cardio for your body type.

This program is tailored for you and your body if you’re aiming to slim down your legs, get toned abs, lean upper body…without getting bulky in the process!

Here is a snippet of one of my full body workouts from 3 Steps To Lean Legs:

3 Steps to Lean Legs Program also has a complete 8-week meal plan because I know how important nutrition is to losing weight and changing your body shape.

If you want meal plans like this for 8 weeks (and no 2 days are the same!) then have a look at my program. I’ve also included a Vegan Meal Plan for all my plant-based lovelies!

It takes the guesswork out of it, you don’t have to count calories and macros yourself (which can get very time consuming) and you don’t need to think of healthy recipes.

Everything is there for you! xx

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India is one of the world’s richest and diverse cultures. With so many festivals and traditional affairs round the year, it is difficult to stay fit and not gain weight. To top it all, we are expected to look fab in that zari sari or any other ethnic wear! Doesn’t that make weight loss one of the biggest concerns?

Losing weight is not just about sweating it out for hours in the gym. You also have to be mindful about what you eat. Having junk and highly processed foods while working out can negate the possibility of losing weight. You have to restrict your calorie intake in order to lose weight. Some health enthusiasts are of the view that Indian meals are creamy and spicy, and hence should be avoided while on a weight loss diet. However, using the commonly found ingredients along with healthy cooking methods can help you lose weight easily.

Image: Shutterstock

Ideal Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss:

The Indian diet plan for weight loss should be designed keeping in mind the calorie requirements of an individual. The calorie requirement of a person is based on factors like age, weight, gender, health conditions, metabolism and activity levels. You may also need to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and BMT (Body Mass Index).

1. Basal Metabolic Rate:

Basal metabolic rate is the basic minimum requirement of the calories a body needs for its metabolic function. For this the diet should provide minimum calories to the body.

2. Body Mass Index or BMI:

Body Mass Index helps to find out how much weight loss is within the parameters of the body. A person should maintain his/her weight according to the height, weight, age and body fat. Anything above or below the body mass index is an indication of an unhealthy body.

Advantages of Indian/ Vegetarian Diet Plan:

A healthy and nutritious diet goes a long way in maintaining the overall health. Some benefits of the vegetarian diet include:

  • The practice of eating fruits and vegetables will help to boost the metabolic rate.
  • You can lose around 5 to 8 kilograms in 10 days.
  • The vegetarian diet plan will give a natural glow to the skin. It eliminates the toxins from our body, making us feel more energetic.
  • A vegetarian diet plan will also help in reducing the flab around our body.
  • Following a vegetarian diet helps to lower the cholesterol levels. Vegetarian diet is devoid of saturated and trans fat. It reduces high blood pressure, thereby preventing hypertension.

Weight Loss Foods:

The Indian diet plan for weight loss does not require any special ingredients. You can find most of the low calorie and fat burning foods in your kitchen itself. These weight loss foods can also be easily found in the nearest grocery store and can help you lose weight by just cooking them in the right method. These weight loss foods can be eaten directly or in conjunction with other low calorie foods.

1. Moong dal or red lentils:

Six Pack Diet Plan Pdf Malayalam

Moong dal is a favorite of almost every Indian. The dal comes packed with vitamin A, B, C and E, besides minerals like iron, potassium and calcium. This weight loss food is full of fiber, hence people feel fuller after having just a small bowl of this dal. Moong dal is also beneficial for boosting the metabolism and the immune system, thereby protecting the body from fatal diseases. The dal goes best with rice and chapattis.

2. Walnuts:

According to a research conducted in the University of Scranton, walnut ranks above almonds, pecan, pistachio and other nuts in helping one loose weight. A handful of walnut provides twice as much antioxidant than any other nuts. Walnuts are quite high in calories and must be eaten in moderation.

3. Green leafy vegetables:

These vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and phytonutrients. Green leafy vegetables include broccoli, spinach, kale, chard, parsley. spinach is a low calorie vegetable, high in water content, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Being rich in fiber, Spinach helps to cure constipation by cleansing the digestive tract. Just one serving of spinach will keep you feel full until your next meal.

4. Beetroot:

According to several studies, drinking beet juice gives an instant energy boost, allowing you to exercise longer and burn more calories. Beet detoxifies the blood and renews it with minerals and glucose. The vegetable is also high in potassium, folic acid and fiber. The high fiber content in this vegetable eliminates the toxins from the body. Not just the vegetables, beet leaves are also high in minerals and vitamins.

5. Almonds:

Blood sugar level changes also cause the body to make insulin, leading to the deposition of abdominal fats. A study at the University of Toronto found that people who ate almonds with white bread experienced stable blood sugar levels. This weight loss food is also rich in nutrients like monounsaturated fats, folic acid, vitamin E and dietary fiber. Carry a small packet of unsalted almonds for a quick on-the-go snack.

6. Apples:

An apple a day not just keeps the doctor away, but also makes you slimmer. Apple is one of the best weight loss foods. A study at the Penn State University has found that people who ate an apple before every meal, consumed fewer calories than those who had a different snack. The 4 grams of fiber in apple keeps you full for a longer duration as the body takes a lot of time to break it down. You can use apples in salads, desserts and savory dishes too.

7. Black Beans:

Black beans are one of the greatest weight loss foods. According to a data published in the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey, bean eaters weigh less and have slimmer waistlines. Black beans stay for a longer time in the digestive system, adding to the feeling of fullness and satiety. This aids in weight loss. They also contain soluble, non-soluble fiber and resistant starch, a type of fat burning carbohydrate. The abundance of soluble fiber also lowers the cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

8. Cauliflower:

This beautiful vegetable contains several phytochemicals that can fight off the toxic compounds in the body. The presence of thiocyanates, glucosinolates and indoles in this vegetable flushes out toxic waste from the body. Cauliflower is low in calories too. This versatile food will make a great replacement for heavy foods.

9. Cinnamon:

A half teaspoon of cinnamon every day can help you control the blood sugar and prevent insulin spikes. As mentioned earlier, insulin spikes can trigger the body to store fat rather than burning it. The spice also promotes effective blood circulation, helping you get fitter faster. Add ground cinnamon in your cake dough, or tea and coffee to make the most out of this spice.

10. Turmeric:

This Indian kitchen favorite spice is excellent for weight loss. Curcumin, a phenol found in turmeric prevents the deposition of fat in the body. Adding turmeric to the daily diet can help one lose weight in the long run. This weight loss spice is also effective in soothing gastric inflammation and ulcer.

11. Radish:

Cooked radish contains 3 grams of fiber per half cup that can help you stay full and satisfied. This starchy vegetable should not be eaten with rice or bread. Enjoy radish with tomato and cucumber salad.

12. Garlic:

This popular herb is used widely in almost all recipes and gravies. Garlic is an appetite controller, making it perfect for healthy weight loss. According to a study, obese people who ate this zero calorie spice lost an average of 30 pounds in 6 months. Allicin a compound present in garlic is effective for fighting cholesterol and keeping the blood sugar levels stable. It also fights cancer, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory problems.

13. Lentils:

Lentils are the most popular ingredient in any Indian household. It is one of the best belly flattener foods. It prevents insulin spikes that can cause the body to create excess fat in the abdominal area. It reduces the possibility of a heart attack, stabilizes blood sugar and helps in weight loss. For Vegetarians it is a good source of protein.

14. Bananas:

Banana is an excellent fruit to include in a weight loss diet. To lose weight you have to create a caloric deficit. You have to eat more calories than what you can consume in a day. Banana offers healthy carbohydrates that provide more energy to stay active. The high amounts of fiber in bananas help to control appetite in people trying to lose weight. Potassium in bananas can also help to lower blood pressure. Banana contains tryptophan, a chemical that helps to reduce depression. This prevents people from indulging in comfort eating. Best time to eat this fruit is breakfast.

15. Tomatoes:

Tomato, technically a fruit, goes well with every Indian recipe. The body releases a hormone called cholecystokinin every time you eat tomatoes, which tightens the valve between the stomach and intestine. The hormone boosts the feeling of fullness, preventing overeating. This low calorie food stabilizes blood sugar and reduces cholesterol.

16. Olive oil:

Olive oil contains healthy, monounsaturated fat that improves satiety and keeps you from eating junk food. Polyphenols in olive oil detoxify the unbalanced molecules, strengthening the immune system. Add olive oil to your green salad to increase its antioxidant content.

17. Cabbage:

Cabbage is an excellent weight loss food. The food is low in calories and high in fiber. This weight loss food is an excellent source of vitamin C. It is ideal for constipation, aging, stomach ulcer and skin disorder as well.

18. Coffee:

Caffeine in coffee can raise the metabolic rate by 15%. This can burn around 30 to 50 calories per day. People who sip 3 to 4 cups of coffee are 30% less likely to get type 2 diabetes.

19. Pears:

Six pack diet plan pdf malayalam pdf

Pears are one of the most fiber rich fruits. A medium sized pear provides 5.5 grams of fiber. Eating a single serving of this fruit can keep you satisfied for a long time.

20. Seeds:

Seeds are a rich source of fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids. Seeds like flax seeds, peanuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds keep the heart healthy by reducing cholesterol and increasing high-density lipoprotein in the blood. It also strengthens the functioning of bones and brain.

21. Cereals and whole grains:

Cereal and whole grains have ample nutritional value. They are a great source of zinc, iron and several important minerals.

7 Days Diet Plan for Weight Loss:

A vegetarian diet plan for weight loss should provide all the essential nutrients to satisfy the hunger pangs, while being low in calories. When preparing an Indian diet chart, you have to be careful regarding it’s fat and carbohydrate content. Here is a sample diet plan to help you in your weight loss journey:

Day 1

Early morning: 7 am

  • 1 glass of warm water with honey

Breakfast: 8 am

  • 1 bowl of low fat milk with whole grain cereals
  • A serving of fruit

Lunch: 1 pm

  • 1 bowl of brown rice
  • 1 bowl of red kidney beans
  • 1 bowl of green salad

Evening snack- 4 pm

  • Sprouts salad with lemon juice, onions, tomato, salt and pepper

Dinner: 8 pm

  • 1 bowl of soya curry with 2 chapattis
  • 1 small bowl of cucumber and tomato salad

Day 2

Early morning: 7 am

  • Green tea without sugar

Breakfast: 8 am

  • 1 bowl of poha
  • A small glass of soy milk

Lunch: 1 pm

  • 2 chapattis with 1 small bowl of mixed vegetables
  • 1 small bowl of curd with berries

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • A handful of nuts like almonds, walnuts and pistachio

Dinner: 8 pm

  • A bowl of khichdi
  • 1 small bowl of sprout salad

Day 3

Early morning: 7 am

  • Methi seeds in water. Soak 1 teaspoon of methi seeds in water overnight. Strain the methi seed and drink the water.

Breakfast: 8 am

  • 2 slices of brown bread with margarine
  • A fruit of your choice

Lunch: 1 pm

  • A small bowl of salad
  • 2 bran chapatti with 1 bowl of dal

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • 1 bowl of popcorn (do not add butter, cheese or any other toppings)

Dinner: 8 pm

  • 1 small bowl of palak paneer
  • 1 bowl of rice
  • 1 chapatti

Day 4

Early morning: 7 am

Neem water (Soak a few leaves of neem leaves in water and leave it over night. Strain and drink the water in the morning.)

Breakfast: 8 am

  • 2 slices of hung curd sandwich
  • 1 medium sized banana

Lunch: 1 pm

  • 1 small bowl of kadhi
  • A small bowl of rice

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • Tea with biscuits

Dinner: 8 pm

  • 2 bran chapattis with 1 small bowl of chole
  • 1 small bowl of lettuce salad

Day 5

Early morning: 7 am

  • 1 glass of lemon water

Breakfast: 8 am

  • 2 eggs stuffed omelet with 2 slices of brown bread
  • 1 cup of green tea

Lunch: 1 pm

  • 1 bowl of vegetable khichdi
  • 1 small bowl of cucumber and tomato salad

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • A cup of fresh yogurt with half a cup of berries
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds

Dinner: 8 pm

  • 1 cup of homemade tomato soup with 1 cup of stir-fried vegetables

Day 6:

Early morning: 7 am

  • 1 glass of warm water with honey

Breakfast: 8 am

  • 1 bowl of oatmeal with skimmed milk
  • 1 orange

Lunch: 1 pm

  • 2 whole wheat chapatti
  • 1 small bowl of okra sabzi
  • 1 bowl of dal
  • 1 bowl of green salad

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • A bowl of fruit salad

Dinner: 8 pm

  • 1 bowl of bean sprouts
  • 1 bowl of vegetable fried rice

Day 7

Early morning: 7 am

  • A cup of unsweetened green tea

Breakfast: 8 am

  • 2 slices of cucumber sandwich
  • 1 glass of butter milk

Lunch: 1 pm

  • 1 bowl of dal with steamed rice
  • 1 bowl of mixed green salad

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • 1 glass of yogurt smoothie
  • A handful of puffed rice

Dinner: 8 pm

  • 1 cup of egg curry
  • 2 chapattis

7 Days South Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss:

Day 1

Early morning: 7 am

  • 1 glass of warm lemon water

Breakfast: 8 am

  • 1 neer dosa with tomato chutney
  • 1 cup of tea with 2 cracker biscuits

Lunch: 1 pm

  • 1 bowl of Sāmbhar with steamed rice

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • Fruit salad
  • Green tea without sugar

Dinner: 8 pm

  • 2 Chapattis with a small bowl of bhendekai gojju
  • 1 small bowl of curd

Day 2

Early morning: 7 am

  • A glass of warm water with honey

Breakfast: 8 am

  • Oats dosa with chutney
  • 1 glass of butter milk

Lunch: 1 pm

  • Corn Meal Khichdi
  • 1 Bowl of green salad with olive oil dressing

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • A handful of nuts

Dinner: 8 pm

  • Pachai Payaru (Green Gram) Kuzhambu
  • A small bowl of Kovakkai (Tindora) Rice

Day 3

Early morning: 7 am

  • Green tea without sugar

Breakfast: 8 am

  • 1 glass of ragi ganji
  • 2 idlis with chutney

Lunch: 1 pm

  • 2 ragi ball with 1 bowl of cabbage palya
  • 1 bowl of bus saaru

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • 2 wheat rusk
  • 1 cup filter coffee

Dinner: 8 pm

  • 1 bowl of Andhra Dal Masiyal with 2 chapattis
  • A bowl of sprout salad

Day 4

Early morning: 7 am

  • Green tea without sugar

Breakfast: 8 am

  • Tomato upma
  • 1 serving of fruit

Lunch: 1 pm

  • 1 small bowl of Okra Tamarind Pachadi
  • A bowl of steamed rice

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • Ragi pancake with tomato chutney

Dinner: 8 pm

  • Cauliflower kootu with 2 bran chapattis
  • 1 small bowl of curd

Day 5

Early morning: 7 am

Six Pack Meal Plan

  • A glass of lemon water

Breakfast: 8 am

  • Vegetable Oats Idli with green chutney
  • 1 glass of coconut water

Lunch: 1 pm

  • A bowl of Keerai Paruppu (Dhal) Masiyal
  • 1 bowl of brown rice

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • 2 appam (use coconut in moderation)

Dinner: 8 pm

  • 1 bowl of Broccoli Poriyal
  • 1 bowl of steamed rice
  • 1 small bowl of curd

Day 6

Early morning: 7 am

  • 1 glass of coconut water

Six Pack Diet Plan Pdf Malayalam Download

Breakfast: 8 am

  • Pessaruttu with green chutney

Lunch: 1 pm

  • Mixed vegetable kootu with brown rice
  • Tomato and cucumber salad

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • A bowl of Sprouted Moong Kanji (Porridge)

Dinner: 8 pm

  • 1 bowl of rasam with lentil pancakes
  • 1 bowl of curd

Day 7

Early morning: 7 am

  • 1 glass of methi water

Breakfast: 8 am

  • Adai Dosa with chutney
  • 1 fruit of your choice

Lunch: 1 pm

  • One bowl of koshimbiri with curry leaves rice
  • A cup of green salad

Evening snack: 4 pm

  • 1 small bowl of sevai

Dinner: 8 pm

  • Egg dosa with chutney
  • A small bowl of rainbow raita


Alcohol increases uric acid in the body, leading to water retention. This blocks the process of natural detoxification. Hence, alcohol is prohibited while following this diet.


It is very essential to drink 10 glasses of water daily. Carbohydrate intake is limited while following this diet, so water will be your main source of energy. Water will boost metabolism, removing unwanted fat from the body.

This is a generalized sample diet chart for weight loss. It may not suit everyone. For best results, consult your dietician for a more personalized diet plan.

Tips to Remember:

  • Do not starve yourself while trying to lose weight.
  • Have five small meals at regular interval
  • Do not skip your breakfast
  • Walk and exercise every day for 30 minutes
  • Eat 2 servings of fruits and 3 serving of vegetables to get an adequate amount of fiber.
  • It is very essential to follow a healthy and balanced diet. This will help to maintain the metabolic rate and maintain the health of our skin and hair.
  • Apart from the diet, you also need to engage in physical activities like swimming, walking, dancing, jogging and exercising. This will not only burn fat, but will keep the metabolic rate in control.
  • There should not be a huge gap between two meals as it can reduce the metabolic rate, thwarting the body’s ability to burn fat.
  • Avoid junk foods like pizza, cakes, pastries and other bakery fruits, which can add on to the unwanted weight.

Since staying away from our typical diet isn’t easy for any one of us, it’s best to always look for alternatives within our means. Following this diet seems more logical than any westernized diet for Indians, as the menu is easy to put together and not a daily effort. We hope this diet will surely help you and that in the long run will stick with you. Do leave your comments and share with us your experiences.
