Path Of Diablo Maphack

Nilathak and D2 Map Hack Guide

Discussion on Release D2 PoD (path of diablo) multihack within the Diablo 2 forum part of the Other Online Games category. Includes auto-tele, maphack, fastmod, pickit. Its a modified blizzhack for PoD.

  1. Class Builds (Diablo II). Download FREE Diablo 1.13d Maphack!!!Diablo 2 Map Hack v1 Posted May 10, 2021, 9:48 pm to maphack-diablo-2 maphack diablo 2 1.13c. Jan 14, 2020 β€” It’s a Diablo 2 community with Actual seasons, NO HACKS, NO BOTS, a FULL FEATURED Path of Diablo has players 8 loot but no maphack.
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I am writting this guide to help clear up some issues that have been discussed. Is it actualy possible to predict the outcome of a map? If so how and which way? How does the game generate maps? Also explain some mechanics of the game.
-How are maps created?
-Is it possible to predict the outcome of a map?
-How do you do it?

Path Of Diablo Maphack 2020

-Why do some locations not work?
-Will you explain more areas for the rest of us?
First of all lets start with the fact that there are no such thing as random maps. When D2 was created there was no technology to create random generated areas, which required very complex coding. The D2 engine generates maps a randomly choosen map out of a choice of so many.
All areas in the game, or better know as zones such as: Arcane Santuary, Catacombs, Tombs, Pits, and many more. Each of these were designed several times, in different ways. My example will be Nilathaks Halls. Halls of Pain has 4 variations of it. All 4 have a different starting area, where the WP is located. When the game is loading, D2 engine selectes one of these 4 possible maps and loads it. Same happens for the rest of the world.Path
Is it possible to predict the outcome of a map?​
Ofcourse there is! Everything in the game is generated in the same exact way one time to another. Based on the shape of an entrance you can tell how the map will look. That is if you remember all of the different variations. So if you somehow memorise every single variation of game terrain you can basicly know where everything is located when you step into a zone.
I will use the Halls of Pain as my example. This area has a total of 4 generated maps that can be choosen. Depending on the amount of map variations depends the amount of different locations for entrances.
Usualy this is done a pathern by Blizzard. If you have 4 maps you will have 4 different locations for an entrance. If anyone have noticed, maps are generaly made in a square or rectangle way. So if you think about it, a square or rectangle have 4 corners, you have 4 maps. So the 4 maps will most likely have 1 entrance in every corner.
Lets take a look at Nilathak's first WP starting area.
The area of where you start after you first take the WP to Halls of Pain is a rectangle like zone. This rectangle has one exit. If its a rectangle, based on tests and runs I concluded that the entrance to the next lvl of halls will always be in the bottom left of the map.
So I move down sticking as much to the right side of the map as I can, since most maps have a square or rectangle shape, lets see where I get.Diablo
I get right where I wanted to! So if the area around the WP is rectangle shaped that means the map that has the Halls of Vaught in the bottom right corner.
Now lets take a look at our second starting area.
As you can see this is a very wide area with many pillars and colums around the wp. As before I figured out that the Halls of Vaught will be always in the bottom left corner. As you can see:
After a few quick tele's I'm right where I need to be.
On to the 3rd starting location. This location is a square. This means that Halls of Vaught will be in the top right corner. There is a long area of nothing right above the square so you have to tele a little bit around.
This is very often confused with the triangle, but after a few runs you will get the hand of it.
I'm running out of time and I cant seem to get the 4th path, since it seems like its the one the least to occur. I will update the 4th path when I get sometime, the last path leads to the top left corner.

Why do some locations not work?​

Its not that they do not work, its that some areas work in different ways. The biggest debate was the Arcane Santuary, if there is a real way to figure out where to go. The answear to this is NO.
The reason why you cant do this is that there is only 1 map. However there are 4 variations of that one map. The starting area is always the same, but the 4 different roads are put in a random spot. The ending of the map is also generated on a random path of the 4 ways, so starting area is always the same, the paths are the same but in random directions, and a random add on to one.
Same applies to Nilathak, every starting area and path is the same every single game. Nilathak and his platform is randomly generated at the end of one of this paths. So there is no real way to predict where to go.

Path Of Diablo Maphack 2021

The answear is no. Not only do I not have enough time to make a guide explaining all the areas in the game, but also people should learn on their own. Use your head for once when playing a game, dont just mindlessly hit your face on the keyboard.
Report any errors, typos, and other mistakes in the guide, I'm really tired and will fix up some stuff once I get a minute or two.
Have Fun and Good Luck on your D2 Adventures!

This works with ALL areas, but only some spots are documented. So if you find a common pattern somewhere be sure to let us know in the forums and we'll add it here.
Heres some quick guides to get some of the common quests and runs without needing to resort to using maphack.

Once you nab the waypoint there are only three possible paths that you can take to get to the next level. Here they are:

The action that actually triggers the portal to leave is nabbing the waypoint. However, I still say nab the waypoint. Why? Because without the waypoint, you will have far too long of a trip for these runs to be efficient...

To speed up finding Nihlathak in the final area, he will be in room opposite the room with the champions in the back. With this being said maximum rooms u will check are 3 and not four now.

Maphack For Path Of Diablo

There are 4 patterns
If you come out of the door and you can only move:
UP RIGHT, next level is UP LEFT
UP LEFT, next level is DOWN LEFT
DOWN RIGHT, next level is UP RIGHT
DOWN LEFT, next level is DOWN RIGHT
I don't mean upper left or downleft etc etc of map...Its the road leading to the top left/right etc.

Path Of Diablo Maphack

General Observations
Another way to think of it is, in the hall or room you start out in, pretend you are in there yourself and looking towards the only direction that you can get out. now, simply follow the wall that is to the left of you
So always go to the left of which ever way the room or hall points to. More often then not it will be really close or diagonally across the map. This holds true with a lot of the 'underground' maps. Not always the case though. Heres some examples, the red arrow being the direction that the room points, green arrow being the left of the red arrow

Path Of Diablo Maphack